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White Ceremonial Copal

White Ceremonial Copal

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White Copal is a sacred gum resin from the Protium Amazonico tree from Central and South America used widely for various ceremonial purposes. Copal makes the perfect smudging resin as it has powerful properties for clearing space and has a pleasant aroma. It's smoke isn't as dense and thick as some other incenses and resins, allowing more subtle smudging and cleansing of spaces.

It was a central power plant used by the Maya, Aztec and Incan cultures, and is still offered as a gift to the spirits in despacho and other Incan medicine wheel based ceremonies, used to represent the divine feminine and Pachamama.

It has been used in South American shamanic practices to treat dysentery, stomach aches, dizziness, fright (susto); for purification, protection against disease and heavy energy. It is also used for healing, divination and for clearing and clarifying the mind.

The history of Copal use dates back to the Mayan and Aztec civilization days. Copal was widely used in ritual offerings and ceremonies, and mass quantities of copal resin were burned atop Aztec and Mayan pyramids. The white smoke produced by burning copal resin was associated with helpful spirits and “White Gods”. It was believed that the white smoke assisted in contacting deities and helpful spirit allies. While Copal's roots lie deep within Mesoamerican culture, similar aromatic resins can be found across the globe, including regions as far-flung as East Africa.

In Mexico, Copal was associated with the water element, creation and fertility Gods. Black Copal was commonly used as an offering to the Mayan deities, and was considered to be the “food of the Gods”.

The Otomi people of Mexico would read the smoke pattern for diagnosing illness, and Copal smudging is still used widely in Mexico to prevent illness.

Below we have listed the best possible way of burning resins using charcoal and how to experience the magic of its aroma –

  1. Take a vessel designed specifically for burning resin or else you pick up a bowl available at your home, which you don’t mind getting damaged. Fill it up with sand, ash, or salt; they help absorb the charcoal’s heat.
  2. For the resins to burn efficiently, you need to ensure that the coal gets burned completely. Lighting just the edges leads to inefficient burning of coal, and the fire quickly fizzles out.
  3. Always use tongs to handle the burning charcoal, never do it with bare hands or even with gloves.
  4. Sprinkle or place a few pieces of resin over the charcoal and let it melt and burn. Use a minimal amount of resin that is enough to last for 15-20 mins. Make sure you don’t add much as that might hamper the experience.
  5. Once, it starts giving out amazingly fragrant and intoxicating smoke, witness magic taking place in front of your eyes.
  6. Pick up the bowl and allow the smoke to permeate every nook and corner of the house. You can also chant or speak out mantras while doing this activity.
  7. Experiment with different types of resins depending upon the mood and your requirement. If you want to ward off negative energy from the house, you can try using Frankincense and Myrrh resin. Dragon’s Blood can be used for productivity and mood upliftment, while Benzoin can be used for health benefits such as better blood circulation.

Whether you burn it for spiritual reasons or some other, burning resin incense is a delightful experience. The scent from resins not only creates long-lasting memories, but it transports and transforms you with its sensory magic.

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